
AlienVault and Zscaler Announce Partnership to Provide Customers with Increased Security, Visibility and Control

Partnership extends the Zscaler platform by integrating threat intelligence while augmenting AlienVault’s Unified Security Management with intelligent Nanologs to improve visibility and control

San Jose, California, 8月, 25, 2016

AlienVault® and Zscaler jointly announce a new partnership to provide customers with increased threat protection while also providing better visibility and control. Zscaler’s cloud security platform integrates threat intelligence from AlienVault’s Open Threat ExchangeTM (OTX) with its own cloud intelligence to provide customers on the Zscaler platform with comprehensive, real-time threat protection across its entire global network of over 100 data centers. AlienVault has developed a new plug-in to integrate Zscaler’s intelligent Nanolog Streaming Service (NSS) into its Unified Security Management TM (USM) solution to provide customers with better visibility into user and threat activity. 

“We are partnering with Zscaler in two very important areas,” said Andy Johnson, SVP of business development at AlienVault. “We see Zscaler as an important partner who will not only use threat feeds from our Open Threat Exchange but will also contribute to enriching them. With the integration of our Unified Security Management solution and Zscaler’s Nanolog Streaming Service, we will enable companies to obtain enhanced visibility into user activity, while being able to view security reports that identify malicious content to detect and mitigate damage.”

“We are happy to partner with AlienVault because it enables us to provide customers with a cloud security platform that not only has comprehensive security capabilities, but also provides visibility and control across all their users in multiple locations,” said Punit Minocha, VP of business development at Zscaler.

Comprehensive cloud security enriched by Open Threat Exchange

Zscaler’s global cloud security platform, which protects over 15 million users in over 5,000 organizations, will now include OTX as an important new source of threat intelligence. The OTX community has more than 47,000 active participants who contribute approximately 4 million threat indicators per day. OTX joins other data feeds in areas such as URL filtering, IP reputation and anti-virus signatures that are used by the Zscaler cloud platform.

Intelligent Nanolog streaming increases visibility and control

AlienVault’s USM plug-in to Zscaler’s NSS will enable customers to filter and feed events that are most important to them into their USM platform. Unlike security appliances that provide syslogs, which result in large amounts of uncorrelated data that then need further processing before being actionable, Zscaler’s Nanolog technology correlates transactions from around the world every second. This is immediately usable by the AlienVault USM to provide customers with a unified view of their environment.


AlienVaultは、進化し続ける今日の脅威を組織が検知し、対応する方法を簡素化しています。当社の独自のアプローチは数々の賞を受賞し、数千のお客様に信頼されています。オールインワン プラットフォーム「Unified Security Management」の中核的なセキュリティ制御と、世界最大のクラウドソーシング型脅威インテリジェンス コミュニティー「Open Threat Exchange」の力を組み合わせることで、リソース上の制約のあるIT部門でも低コストで効率的に脅威を検出できます。AlienVaultは、シリコン バレーに本社を置く非公開会社で、Trident Capital、Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers、Institutional Venture Partners、GGV Capital、Intel Capital、Jackson Square Ventures、Adara Venture Partners、Top Tier Capital、Correlation Venturesの支援を受けています。

AlienVault、Open Threat Exchange、OTX、Unified Security Management、USMは、AlienVaultまたはその関連会社の商標です。その他の名称は、それぞれの所有者の商標である場合があります。


ゼットスケーラー(NASDAQ: ZS)は、より効率的で、俊敏性や回復性に優れたセキュアなデジタル トランスフォーメーションを加速しています。Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange™プラットフォームは、ユーザー、デバイス、アプリケーションをどこからでも安全に接続させることで、数多くのお客様をサイバー攻撃や情報漏洩から保護しています。世界150拠点以上のデータ センターに分散されたSSEベースのZero Trust Exchange™は、世界最大のインライン型クラウド セキュリティ プラットフォームです。


Susan Torrey、(650) 492-1921、[email protected]

Natalia Wodecki、グローバル統合コミュニケーション&PR担当シニア ディレクター、[email protected]